Say Yeah to Yerba Mate: 5 Reasons to Drink This Herbal Tea

It’s common knowledge that a lot of individuals kick start their day by having a piping hot cup of their favorite java. However, in some parts of the world, particularly in South America, most people opt for yerba mate tea instead. Traditionally consumed in a small wooden container with a straw that filters out fragment of leaves, it is said that yerba mate tea combines the energizing aspect of coffee and the pleasing ability of hot cocoa.

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Yerba mate tea is made from the dried leaves of a plant having the same name, or also sometimes known as ilex paraguariensis. In many regions of the planet where it is popular, yerba mate tea is commonly taken during social events, as a token of friendship and camaraderie. According to those who have already tried it, yerba mate tea’s taste is almost similar to green tea, and has a hint of grassy taste.

But there’s more to yerba mate tea than making you feel invigorated and pleasing the senses. In fact, there are so many scientifically-proven health benefits of drinking this herbal tea. The following are just 5 of them:

  1. It Boosts Your Brain Power

Do you love the ability of caffeine to enhance the functioning of your brain but not the side effects it brings such as anxiety, jitteriness, headaches and heart palpitations? Maybe it’s time for you to try yerba mate tea.

Just like coffee, yerba mate tea has caffeine in it, but in smaller amounts. This is the reason why drinking the herbal tea allows you to enjoy increased creativity, sharper memory and a more alert mind, but without all the unfavorable side effects of coffee. Adding to the brain-boosting properties of yerba mate tea is the fact that it contains antioxidants that help shield the brain cells from damage.

  1. It Makes Your Immune System Strong

Having a strong immune system is what you need especially when the season of all sorts of infections and allergies are just around the bend. That’s because it helps make your body more resistant to disease-causing microbes that can be found everywhere — from the air you breathe, doorknob you touch to the keyboard you type on.

Yerba mate tea packs a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, many of which are necessary for having the immune system strengthened. For instance, a serving of the herbal tea contains good amounts of vitamin C. Then it also contains zinc which is, according to experts, is particularly good in warding off the common cold. So if you don’t want any infection or allergy to keep you from being productive, drink yerba mate tea on a regular basis.

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  1. It Helps You Lose Excess Pounds

There are plenty of slimming pills in our midst these days, many of which contain ingredients that can cause many different side effects. What’s more, a lot of them are pricey and without 100 percent guarantee that they will deliver.

If you want to shed off unwanted weight without spending a lot of cash or putting up with unfavorable side effects, then it’s a good idea to drink yerba mate tea. According to studies, the healthy beverage may help you lose weight as it boosts energy production, thus accelerating your metabolism. There are pieces of evidence, too, that yerba mate tea may also make the body’s ability to burn fat cells more efficient.

  1. It Promotes Stronger Bones

Excess caffeine intake is linked to the loss of bone mineral. However, it’s an entirely different story with yerba mate, which contains small amounts of caffeine. According to a study, female participants who drank yerba mate tea on a regular basis had stronger bones, particularly the spine, than those who didn’t.

Another reason why yerba mate tea helps strengthen the bones is it contains good amounts of calcium. We all know that calcium is a mineral that helps lower one’s risk of having osteoporosis in the future.

  1. It May Prevent Heart Disease and Cancer

Just like green tea, yerba mate tea is loaded with antioxidants. According to experts, antioxidants help keep your risk of heart disease to a minimum as it keeps the blood vessels in a good condition, thus minimizing the deposition of plaque and cholesterol, as well as ultimately preventing the blood pressure from rising.

Similarly, antioxidants are proven to be very good at keeping cancer cells from growing and multiplying. Experts say that tannins, saponins and chlorophyll in yerba mate tea are all superb at keeping at bay deadly cancer.

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